If you have too much fat — especially if a lot of it is at your waist — you’re at higher risk for such health problems as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and diabetes. That increases your risk for heart disease and stroke. If you’re overweight or obese, you can reduce your risk for heart disease by successfully losing weight and keeping it off. But how do you actually go about doing this? The answer: Strengthen your muscles, your heart and your entire circulatory system with Milon.
All endurance training is not created equal. The simplest, surest, and most effective approach is offered by Milon Intensity Training (MIT). It features short intervals with high intensity, which, thanks to the finely tuned electronic regulation of the Milon equipment, always keeps you within a healthy range.
Milon developed the MIT together with leading sports medicine researchers from the German Sport University in Cologne, Germany.
Milon intensity training increases the metabolic rate significantly more than conventional endurance training. In a normal 30 minute workout the afterburn effect (the period after exercise when your metabolic rate remains higher than normal) is virtually equal to 0 after about only 4 hours. The afterburn effect following 30 minutes of Milon intensity training lasts up to 24 hours afterwards and thus increases your calorie burn significantly.
Regardless of your basic level of physical fitness, you can start right away with your custom MIT training plan. “Studies show that a very effective form of endurance training can be structured as follows: 4 minute periods of intensive exercise alternating with one-minute recovery intervals. A certain stimulus threshold should be exceeded in the exertion phase – this is the only way to induce beneficial endothelial cells changes. They, along with the vascular smooth muscle cells, are responsible for the regulation of vascular muscle tone in the cardiovascular system.”
Thanks to the fat burning properties of the Milon strength – endurance circuit the exerciser builds strength whilst burning high levels of calories. We already have Healthhaus members making excellent strength gains from the Milon circle but at the same time changing their body composition. In the first month of Milon we have had members experience an average of 4lbs weight loss in 3 weeks with some members even losing up to 1 stone. Don’t forget to ask the Milon expert to show you your progress at the Milon portal.
…..improves cardiovascular function …strengthens the immune system …improves performance …lowers blood pressure and blood sugar levels …increases the ability to concentrate …enhances lung capacity …enhances body perception …reduces body fat
Here at Healthhaus we focus on body composition rather than body weight.
Dr Sam Jackson our resident Chiropractor will be available for body composition analysis testing on Thursday 15th and Saturday 17th May. Tests cost only £15 and include a free blood pressure check (worth £10).
Why not take advantage of our annual package and receive monthly body composition and blood pressure checks for only £180.
Please phone reception on 614800 to book your appointment